How to use ZArchiver on iOS


Struggling to handle compressed files on your iPhone or iPad, is a real thing. I have been looking for way to get my hand on something that will allow me to compress files on my iPhone. luckily I came across ZArchive. Let me introduce you to my new best friend: ZArchiver. This incredible app is designed to make your life easier by effortlessly compressing and extracting files with just a few taps. Whether you’re a tech guru or just someone looking for a simpler way to manage files, ZArchiver has got your back. So, let’s dive in and see how to useZArchiver on iOS and revolutionize the way we handle files on our iOS device.

What is ZArchiver?

Imagine ZArchiver as your helpful companion in the digital world. It’s like a magic tool that can shrink big folders into small ones, making them easier to handle on your iPhone or iPad. Not only that, but ZArchiver can also unlock hidden files inside archives, revealing hidden treasures you didn’t even know existed. With its easy-to-use interface, ZArchiver makes managing files a breeze, saving you storage space and making file organization a piece of cake. It’s like having a friendly assistant that takes care of all your file needs, so you can focus on enjoying your iOS device to the fullest.

Is ZArchiver available on iOS?

No, ZArchiver is not available for iOS devices. ZArchiver is an Android application that allows users to manage and extract various archive file formats such as ZIP, RAR, 7Z, and more. There is no official version of ZArchiver developed for iOS. However, app availability and updates can change over time, so it’s recommended to check the Apple App Store for the most up-to-date information regarding ZArchiver or similar archive management applications for iOS.

Can you download ZArchiver on iOS?

Currently, there isn’t any official way for you to download ZArchiver on iOS devices. You may use third party application such as tutu app to install it on your device. Although it might not be available you still can try. Another option is that you can look for alternatives for ZArchiver that can be officially installed from App Store.

What are the alternatives for ZArchiver for iOS?

There are several alternative archive management applications available for iOS devices. Here are a few popular ones:

  • iZip: A comprehensive archive management app that supports various formats, including ZIP, RAR, and 7z. It allows you to create, extract, and manage archives on your iOS device.
  • WinZip: A popular archive management app that supports various formats, including ZIP, RAR, and 7z. It offers features like file encryption, cloud storage integration, and easy file sharing.
  • IZArc: A freeware archive utility for PC, now available for iPhone and iPad. It supports extracting files from ZIP, RAR, and 7-ZIP archives.
  • Unzip: Unzip is a straightforward and user-friendly app for extracting files from ZIP archives. It supports password-protected archives, allows you to preview files before extraction, and offers integration with cloud storage services like iCloud and Dropbox.
  • FileApp: A file management app that supports various archive formats and offers features like file encryption, cloud storage integration, and easy file sharing

Until next time, with another topic. Till then, Toodles.

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By Gustavo
He is a senior writer at Gustavo has good knowledge about the online world (especially digital marketing) and loves to share ideas with visitors. He has a good experience of writing about Apple since he used every Apple products like iPhone, Apple TV, Apple Watch, Mac, etc.
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