Will The iPhone 15 Be the Best iPhone Of The 2020s?


Apple’s legacy in the smartphone sector is unparalleled. The rise of the iPhone and the immense technological developments it harnessed into popular culture will be discussed for the next hundred years. The first iPhone, released nearly twenty years ago, completely changed the game.

While the phone stood head and shoulders above any serious competition, Apple also reaped immense benefits from a robust economy. During this time, mass production of phones was considerably easier to finance and execute with lower overhead costs compared to the present day. Apple’s commitment to innovation led them to achieve a remarkable milestone, becoming the first technology company to be valued at over $3 trillion. As of today, Apple remains the most profitable company in the world.

Will Apple Move Toward the Gaming Market?

Many analysts in the space have often commented that Apple hasn’t ever truly focussed on the colossal mobile gaming sector, which is now worth billions of dollars annually. Many smartphone companies design phones specifically for portable games and portable gaming enthusiasts.

Although the more recent iPhone installments have emphasized gaming chips, graphics cards, and overall display, it would be a stretch to say they’ve been designed with mobile gamers in mind.

When we discuss mobile gamers, we refer to those who play League Of Legends, casino gamers who enjoy roulette, and everything else in between. Given that, one thing Apple has in common with casino companies is that they’re fearlessly searching for the next big profitable way to innovate. For casino companies, gambling with cryptocurrency and in reputable crypto casinos is the next avenue they have identified as a possible money spinner. Apple is looking for the next big piece of ingenuity that will continue to put them ahead of their competition in technology.

Although nothing has been confirmed in stone, it doesn’t look like this phone will be tailored for gamers like other devices. In our opinion, this is probably the best move. Apple has such broad, popular, international appeal that it would be pointless to pivot its main focus from a multipurpose device with a colossal general appeal than to appeal to a small percentage of the mobile consumer industry by focusing on mobile gaming interfaces and capabilities.

However, we’re trying to skirt around or misconstrue the point deliberately. We appreciate that the question surrounds whether Apple will provide a phone tailored to games and the rest of its customer base. Still, again, it looks like the iPhone 15 development team have set their goals on other, broader points of interest.

The Big Selling Point

For the next iPhone to surpass some of the other competition from this decade, it will need to have one key selling point far more prominent and bolder than any of the last few phones dating back to the iPhone 11. Each iPhone has at least one integral gamechanger, which is the main selling point of the new device. If the circulating rumors are true, the iPhone 15 will focus on wireless charging, which many smartphone users have requested for several years.

However, it feels like more people are calling for longer battery life than wireless charging, but it still opens up a fresh look, and’ll note a marked difference from the previous iPhone model.

Other Competition

Although the iPhone 12 was well received, the way the iPhone 11 propelled Apple comfortably back into pole position as the world’s number one company and the number of enhancements it brought to new users means that it provides stiff competition for the iPhone 15.

Many of the key figures at Apple seem to have swiveled their interest toward VR following the huge advertising campaign in June 2023. Will the iPhone 15 have the attention from the broader company that is usually necessary to deliver a game-changing product?

The iPhone 11 sold over 30 million units in the first half of 2020. It blows any other iPhone and smartphone entirely out of the water and is still widely used and popular despite the release of several iPhones. It speaks to the consistency and quality of Apple that their biggest competition comes from phones that they released themselves.

Final Thoughts

The iPhone 15 will be unique if it incorporates wireless charging alongside several other purported enhancements, such as a telescopic camera and longer battery life. It will be a test to see if it can compete with the iPhone 11, but it speaks to the quality of a company when its most significant competition is its own design team.

Although plenty of iPhone developments are yet to be confirmed, we would go on a limb and say that although this phone will likely have several incredible innovations, it is unlikely to go down as the best iPhone of the decade thus far. When its main competition is the iPhone 11, this isn’t something to be upset about; other than possibly the iPhone 7, the iPhone 11 is one of Apple’s greatest-ever designs.

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Devendra is a full-time writer at ConsideringaApple and he is fond of new things in the tech world. He loves to read novels and write poems. This adventure-seeking guy is a hodophile who has an aim to explore all the beautiful mountains, oceans, cultures, traditions, and foods this world has to offer. Since the release of the first iPhone, he believes in Jobs' vision and praises every Apple product.
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