How To Turn ON/OFF Always On Display Apple Watch Series 5


You know one crown feature of the new Apple Watch 5, it can display the time and other glanceable information, even when your wrist is down. Yes, we are talking about the most highlighted feature of Apple Watch Series 5 “Always-On Display,” which turned on by default. But you can always disable on display on Apple Watch 5 according to your needs.

On one side, the always-on display feature helps in some scenarios like meeting when you cannot check the time or turn on your phone to check the time. It also shows some useful information like calendar events, messages, heart rate, and more without touching or turning it on. That’s why Apple added the most awaited always-on display feature on its firth generation smartwatch. But sometimes, you don’t want the bright the screen up every time as you are in a movie theatre or battery is low or you want to keep your info private. Hence, you can turn off always-on display on Apple Watch Series 5.

How To Enable/Disable Always On Display Apple Watch Series 5

Step #1: First, open the Settings app your Apple Watch 5

Step #2: Next, scroll down and choose Display & Brightness option.

Step #3. Now tap on Always On option to turn the feature Off or On.

There is also an option to hide your private information from the watch as someone can see your information on the watch without letting you know as you have turned off always-on display on Apple Watch 5, but the dim light still shows some info. Therefore, Apple also added the option to hide your private information from the Apple Watch Series 5 screen.

How To Hide Private or Sensitive Info from Apple Watch Series 5

Step #1: First of all, launch the Settings on your Apple Watch

Step #2: Next, go to the Display & Brightness option.

Step #3: Now, you can select or deselect the Hide Sensitive Complications feature.

Once you turn off Hide Sensitive Complications, all your notification won’t show up on your Apple Watch screen until you wake up the screen. So when you tap the screen, you will get all the stuff on your Apple Watch Series 5 screen.

That’s all!

This is how you can deactivate the always-on display feature from Apple Watch Series 5. I hope now you know how to enable or disable it. There are also many other new functions Apple added on the new Watch Series 5 as well as watchOS 6. It will be also glad if you ask more guide about the newer Apple Watch Series 5. Did you notice any bug on watchOS 6? Which feature you like most? Feel free to share anything about the watch in the comment section.
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By Betty
She started her career as a journalist and ended up being a good content writer at Since she has journalism quality, she loves to be in trend by collecting and writing on the latest iPhone, iPad, Mac, or other Apple product related stuff on the website. She has little birds everywhere.
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