Fix “Media No Longer Available” Error in Messenger on iPhone


It can be annoying when viewing media in Facebook Messenger on your iPhone, only to be met with the vague “media no longer available” error message. We have seen that Google Trend is a total of searches related to “messenger not showing photos iPhone,” so we have come to help you with the methods to get rid of this annoying issue. 

Methods To Fix “Media No Longer Available” Error in Messenger on iPhone

Check Internet Connectivity

Ensure you have a stable internet connection on Wi-Fi and cellular data. Connectivity issues are often the culprit behind media failures in apps. Restart your router if you are on Wi-Fi, or toggle airplane mode on and off to refresh the connection.

Update the Messenger App

Outdated apps frequently suffer bugs and glitches. Open the App Store and check for any available updates to the Facebook Messenger app. Download the latest version to see if that fixes things.

Restart the iPhone

The tried and true reboot is an easy first step for glitchy apps. Ultimately, power down and restart your iPhone to clear any memory issues.

Reset Network Settings

Dive deeper by resetting all network settings in Settings > General > Reset. This will wipe all Wi-Fi passwords and network configurations so they can be reconfigured fresh.

Check Messenger Permissions

Ensure Messenger has the proper permissions to access data, storage, etc. Disable and re-enable permissions to make sure there are no conflicts.

Verify Server Status

Check the Facebook status page to see if Messenger is experiencing an outage. If servers are down, the only option is to wait it out.


Once you have followed the above methods, you can eliminate the Messenger not showing photos on iPhone issue. Even if you are still struggling with the same problem, don’t hesitate to ask for help via the comment box.

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Devendra is a full-time writer at ConsideringaApple and he is fond of new things in the tech world. He loves to read novels and write poems. This adventure-seeking guy is a hodophile who has an aim to explore all the beautiful mountains, oceans, cultures, traditions, and foods this world has to offer. Since the release of the first iPhone, he believes in Jobs' vision and praises every Apple product.
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