5 Powerful SaaS Email Marketing Examples for Apple Users


Email marketing is the most effective and effective technique when it comes to reaching out to customers. A marketing approach isn’t complete without email, despite the success of social networking activities.

Apple’s products, from iPhones to Macs, are everywhere. For businesses, especially those offering software services, reaching Apple users is a big deal. While platforms like Facebook or Twitter are popular, emails remain a powerful way to connect. In this article, we’ll analyze the design and content of 5 exquisite SaaS Email Marketing Examples for Apple users that have shown to be highly profitable.

1. Welcome Marketing Emails for iOS App Users

Shopify’s approach: When someone installs Shopify’s app on their iPhone, they get a friendly email. This email highlights cool features like using Face ID to log in or adding a Shopify widget on their home screen. It’s a smart way to show users the perks of using the app on an Apple device.

Shopify creates the groundwork for a fruitful and mutually beneficial collaboration by establishing attainable goals and providing instant benefits. Alongside expressing gratitude for the customer’s selection of Shopify, the individualized email also explains what may be expected going forward. In the email, you’ll find

  • Add a personal touch to emails by including the recipient’s name.
  • The company appreciates its dedicated customer base.
  • Give an explanation of the factors important for the purchase.

2. Invitation Marketing Emails for Apple-Integrated Services

HubSpot’s Tactic: HubSpot emails Apple users about how well their service works with Apple Mail. They explain how easy it is to sync contacts and emails. It nods to Apple users, showing that HubSpot values the Apple experience.

Their invitational email template for advertising is a model of quality for such things.  The email is unique, the tone is lighthearted and conversational, and the most important details are emphasized. HubSpot uses the widely recognized FOMO effect by promoting the webinar’s top presenters for their expertise and the invaluable takeaways attendees would get by participating.  The email’s contents are as follows:

  • List the many ways in which participants will gain.
  • Highlighting the list of presenters is sure to generate interest.
  • Create a sense of urgency or the fear of missing out by the use of words.

3. Promotional Emails for Apple-exclusive Features

Grammarly’s Strategy: Grammarly has a special keyboard for iPhones. They send emails showing how this keyboard can help users type better on their Apple devices. By focusing on this Apple-only feature, they make their users feel special.

The Grammarly staff encourages potential users to test out the higher-end capabilities of their service. This allows customers to have an interactive experience and boosts their customer-building potential. As seen in the image above, they generate their marketing emails in the following manner:

  • The CTA button is prioritized by being placed first.
  • They use eye-catching visuals to attract viewers.
  • They use social network sharing buttons to increase interaction.
  • They generate customer-focused content.

4. Referral Marketing Emails for Apple Device Owners

Revolut’s Method: Revolut’s emails talk about using their service with Apple Pay. They encourage users to tell their friends about it and offer rewards for it. It’s a way of saying, “Hey, we know you love Apple Pay, so why not share the love?”

Referral marketing emails like these are an effective way to raise business awareness. Potential customers may easily subscribe to the Revolut email campaigns because of the clear headers and well-designed landing pages they are sent to. Aside from the attention-grabbing title, the email’s body text is as compelling. Emails from Revolut are unique since they:

  • Includes a brief, descriptive heading that explains the email’s purpose.
  • Features a homepage optimized to convert first-time visitors into subscribers.

5. Re-engaging Subscribers with iOS App Updates

Beta List’s Way: Whenever Beta List has something new for its iPhone app, it sends an email. It’s not just, “Hey, we have an update.” It’s more like, “We’ve added something cool for iPhone users. Check it out!”

The message expresses regret for losing the client and offers sorrow. Then, a call-to-action button is provided so the consumer may re-subscribe. Those who prefer to avoid being overwhelmed with emails may elect to get an every-week email instead. Some of the points of the BetaList emails contain:

  • It stimulates abandoned subscribers and offers them a chance to return.
  • In this way, consumers may voice their worries.
  • The CTA is located at an optimal spot.


The Apple ecosystem is vast and ever-evolving. For SaaS companies, understanding this ecosystem and tailoring email marketing strategies around it is the key to engagement and conversions. As Apple continues to innovate, so must businesses’ strategies to reach its dedicated and passionate user base.

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Vineet Maheshwari is a passionate blogger and relationship oriented digital marketing consultant with over 10 years of experience in SEO, PPC management, web analytics, domain investing, affiliate marketing and digital strategy. He has helped high tech brands connect with customers in an engaging manner, thereby ensuring that high quality leads are generated over time.
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