When is the iPhone 15 coming out?

Vineet Maheshwari

When is the iPhone 15 coming out? Many people are asking about this topic, especially now that the newest model, the iPhone 14, is already in the market and has its game set. Although Apple hasn’t yet released a date for the iPhone 15, rumors and predictions exist that it may be released this year. I am sure many of you must wait for the new iPhone 15 to be released, but the wait is longer than expected. In this article, I will be shedding light on this topic and giving you all the details you need to know about the release date of the iPhone 15.

When is the iPhone 15 coming out?

iPhone 14 did not come out as grand as it was expected. So, this time all the iOS users are expecting something more and something big from apple with the iPhone 15. Although there is currently no news from the side of Apple, we can rely on all the rumors and predictions about iPhone 15.

Looking at all the previous releases of the iPhone we can say that the iPhone 15 will be announced during the WWDC event, which will be held in June 2023. The analysts also said the same thing that by the time of the event, we will be hearing about iPhone 15 and its possible new features. The iPhone 14 went on sale on Friday, September 16, debuting on Wednesday, September 7. So, the iPhone 15 might be unveiled on September 6 and on sale on September 15 if Apple followed a similar pattern. As a result, the release of the iPhone 15 in September 2023 is very likely. According to one source, the iPhone 15 could go on sale, particularly on September 22 or 23.

Now, the most important thing to keep in mind is that Apple has not yet released any official statement about the release date of the iPhone 15, nor did Apple has confirmed any statements or rumors about it.

Based on Apple’s previous release trends, after the announcement of the iPhone 15 at the WWDC event held in June, we can assume that the iPhone 15 will be out to the public in the month of September 2023. It’s crucial to remember that this is just a prediction and may alter if Apple decides to release it earlier or later than planned.


In conclusion, the release of the iPhone 15 is still a wild guess, and we can only make predictions about the time and features of the device based on rumors and speculation. But, if the speculations and leaks are accurate, the iPhone 15 will come around September 2023 in the market. We can only wait for Apple to make an official announcement to confirm these claims and stop our speculations.

Until next time, with another topic. Till then, Toodles.

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Vineet Maheshwari is a passionate blogger and relationship oriented digital marketing consultant with over 10 years of experience in SEO, PPC management, web analytics, domain investing, affiliate marketing and digital strategy. He has helped high tech brands connect with customers in an engaging manner, thereby ensuring that high quality leads are generated over time.
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