How to Turn Siri into Chat GPT On Command on iOS 16

Devendra Chande

Siri is an Apple virtual assistant that can help you execute a variety of things on your iPhone device using only your voice command. But don’t you ever feel that Siri has limited answers and produces nothing new? It can certainly send text messages and emails, make phone calls, and answer the majority of inquiries, but not all. What if there was a way to turn your Siri into a chat GPT, a generative AI that can answer any of your inquiries in seconds and provide you with all the knowledge you require? With a few changes, Siri on iOS 16 might be turned into a chat GPT on command.

The main objective here is to get the Siri icon to not be Siri but instead to be chat GPT. Earlier when you click on the side button you used to get Siri but now our goal here is to access chat GPT with a click on the side button.

See More: ChatGPT Alternatives for iPhone

How to Turn Siri into Chat GPT On Command on iOS 16

  1. Install Genie- AI Chatbot from the App Store on your iPhone device.
  2. Open the shortcuts app on your iPhone.
  3. Click on the plus + icon at the right corner of the screen.
  4. In the next action suggestions section click on the open app option.
  5. Tap on the app and select genie from the list.
  6. Finally click on the done option.
  7. Now go to the settings app on your iPhone.
  8. Go to accessibility.
  9. Click on the touch tab.
  10. Scroll down to locate back tap and click on it.
  11. Tap on double tap button.
  12. Now select open app that previously you created using the shortcuts app. You can even rename it by going back to the shortcuts app.
  13. That’s it you are done!
  14. Now when the first time you try to access chat GPT like Siri you will be asked to pay, you can either skip it, or if you want to pay for extra services you may do so.
  15. Go to your home page and now when you double tap at the back of your iPhone chat GPT will be activated just like Siri.

Now instead if side clicking the volume button to activate Siri, you need to double tap at the back of your iPhone to activate chat GPT.

Can you replace Siri with chat GPT?

If you are looking to replace Siri with chat GPT then let me tell you that currently, it is not possible. Replacing Siri with something like chat GPT is a very long shot but there is no information regarding any such updates or methods that allows you to do so.

What is the difference between Siri and chat GPT?

Siri is an Apple virtual assistant that can do a number of functions like texting, making phone calls, and creating reminders. It understands and responds to user queries using natural language processing. Chat GPT, on the other hand, is an OpenAI,based language model that can create humanlike text in response to a given prompt. These are two distinct technologies with distinct functions and capabilities.

Until next time, with another topic. Till then, Toodles.

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Devendra is a full-time writer at ConsideringaApple and he is fond of new things in the tech world. He loves to read novels and write poems. This adventure-seeking guy is a hodophile who has an aim to explore all the beautiful mountains, oceans, cultures, traditions, and foods this world has to offer. Since the release of the first iPhone, he believes in Jobs' vision and praises every Apple product.
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