How To Save Battery On iPhone 12 Series


With the recent release of iPhone 12 series which begins from iPhone mini to the enormous iPhone 12 pro max, the focus is again on the battery life that Apple provides in its iPhone line.

When on standby, iOS is pretty amazing at preserving the battery and the promise of “all day long battery life” is fulfilled by Apple. But playing a game for too long or going on a selfie-clicking spree may drain the battery out of life. The iPhone 12 series specially iPhone mini comes with the drawback of not-so-large battery cells and hence the battery life is affected if used for long gaming sessions or continuous use. Here are a few tips that can come handy if you are looking for ways to save those battery percentages for longer.

5 Tips To Save iPhone 12 Battery Life

Use Low Power Mode

This should be the basic step taken at the very beginning. Low power mode tweaks the features that are not accessible to the users. The low power mode is prompted in the iPhone 12 series after hitting 20% battery life, however, if the user is expecting a long day he/she can do it as per their wish.

Silence Inessential Notifications

The screen is the biggest battery-hogger on any phone. And in iPhones the screen lights up every notification pops. So, you should control the notifications i.e, disable the notification for the apps that are not important or used on a daily basis. This will stop the screen from lighting up unnecessarily which would leave you with more battery life.

Alternatively, the iPhone users can also opt just for the sound notification for chat apps. This would stop the messages from showing up on the lock screen keeping the notifications still audible.

Disable “Hey, Siri”

Very few users know that Siri takes a toll on the battery. If you are not much of a user of the digital assistant simply switch off the ‘Listen for “Hey Siri”‘ tab in your settings. This would lessen the battery drainage percentage for sure.

Use Dark Mode

iOS 13 introduced the dark mode, which enables the system menus to change from white to black. iPhone 12 series models have OLED screens that use pixels that light up individually. Using the dark mode will keep the pixels dark and hence definitely add to the battery life.

Disable Location Services

It is a known fact that location tagging and GPS drains battery a lot. While many apps demand this for location tagging and navigation, it is smart to keep it disabled at the times when not in use to increase the battery life of your iPhone.

Use Manual Brightness

Keep the auto-brightness feature of your phone off. This disables the system from choosing the brightness for you and you can always work with a bit of low light saving the battery life.


These tips are some of the basic steps that the users of the newly launched iPhone 12 series can use in their day-to-day life to make the battery last longer.

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By Betty
She started her career as a journalist and ended up being a good content writer at Since she has journalism quality, she loves to be in trend by collecting and writing on the latest iPhone, iPad, Mac, or other Apple product related stuff on the website. She has little birds everywhere.
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