How To Disagree or Bypass WhatsApp New Privacy Policy on iPhone?


A couple of days ago, we saw a massive 1100% jump in Signal’s share price when world’s richest man Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted ‘use signal’ instead of WhatsApp due to the new privacy policy. People around the world are arguing about the new WhatsApp privacy policy and want to bypass it. 

According to WhatsApp’s latest terms & conditions, the app will merge with Facebook to store and manage your data, process your data, and integrate Facebook products. Hence, they will know what you are browsing, your battery, language, time zone, and a lot. 

What if you don’t accept the new WhatsApp Privacy Policy? 

The pop-up showing on the screen claims that if you don’t accept or agree to the new terms and privacy policy by Feb 8, 2021, you won’t be able to use the app anymore. You must accept new WhatsApp terms to continue using the app. 

How to disagree accepted new Policy of WhatsApp or after agreeing

Once the new alert starts popping up on your mobile screen and you don’t accept, it will show up every day until you agree. One Reddit user wrote that “I accidentally clicked “Agree”, how can I go back now? Will my data before agreements be shared? Like him, many others who accepted new WhatsApp terms wonder how to disagree with the new WhatsApp Privacy Policy. 

As for now, there is no option to bypass or disagree on new WhatsApp terms and policy. But as the news took storm that Facebook will use your personal WhatsApp chat for business, the company replied that WhatsApp provides end-to-end encryption for private messages. 

Hence, your personal call and messages with family and friends will be safe. But the company will let businesses to use your data through Facebook’s hosting service for those who are interacting with businesses on the app. WhatsApp will also know a label to businesses who use Facebook’s hosting services. If you are using WhatsApp business, you will be able to use Facebook’s shop feature to show WhatsApp products. 

When you make any purchase through the new shop, your shopping activity will be shared on Facebook, and you will see ads on Instagram and Facebook according to that. 

How to stop WhatsApp using your data on iPhone?

Suppose you have accepted WhatsApp’s new privacy policy and want to continue using the app without deleting the app. In that case, you can turn the toggle off next to every feature on your device that WhatsApp is accessing. To do that, open Settings > WhatsApp > open features one by one and turn the toggle off next to it. 

After the entire terms and privacy of WhatsApp, we can say that your personal data is safe. But if you are a business user, your date will be sacrificed with Facebook. Wish to share anything about the new WhatsApp T&C, don’t hesitate to share with us through the comments. 

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By Govind
Being in love with the tech world, Govind joined the technology world in 2015 and started writing about tech stuff (mobile, PC, games, other gadgets). He loves playing games, travelling, photography and sharing the latest news & updates about every Apple products (iPhone, iPad, Mac, etc.).
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