Is It Safe To Download Among Us from Apple Library.Org?


I have seen that many people have asked on various social media platforms about to get Among Us free on iOS devices. As a loyal Apple fan, we are here to explain about the fully. Is it legal or safe? Let’s find out!

If you have never heard about this platform, let me tell you that is one online website to download apps and games free for PC, Android and iOS.

Why people are crazy for Among Us Applibrary?

Since the website offers many Among Us controller support, speed hack, free skin, pets, hats and more free, many Among Us fans are attracted towards the app and using this website. Not just an Among Us, there are many apps are also available with hacks and mod for free.

Can I download Applibrary from App Store?

Sorry, but you cannot download Applibrary from the official App Store or Google Play Store. You can visit the online website to download any game, video, music and a lot more.

You are only one who is asking that using is legal or not. There are thousands of Apple geeks also wondering the same. Well, we cannot say it is legal to use this platform. But the app offers many free apps with a couple of taps.

When you visit the website and select any app to download, you will tap on the Downloaded Needed option. After that, when you click on that button, it will take you to the new task or offer you need to complete, including rewards, gamers, surveys, or other tasks. Once you are done with the task, you can install that app on your device for free.

Is Apple safe?

According to many trustworthy forums, using is not safe and not the perfect media to download any app. They claim that the website manipulates users to download apps for free then install malware and the app without any user knowledge.  Users can also be tricked with onsite unwanted and fraud offers.

Even when you search Alex rank of the website, it shows no rank. But the site claims to be the best network in the industry.

How to use

After knowing everything about the website if you still want to try to use, you can open the site. You can either select the app from the list or use the search bar to find any other app at the homepage.

Can I download apple library org among us on iOS 14?

Of course, you can get Among Us from as the website added the support to iOS 14 update. But make sure that you can download on your own risk.

Final Words

Are you delighted with the information about apple library org we have given in this article? Have you ever used this website to download any app? I yes, please do share your feedback in the comment box.

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By Betty
She started her career as a journalist and ended up being a good content writer at Since she has journalism quality, she loves to be in trend by collecting and writing on the latest iPhone, iPad, Mac, or other Apple product related stuff on the website. She has little birds everywhere.

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