Smartpk iOS: How To Download & Play On iPhone


Smartpk iOS app is one of the most popular gaming apps for iPhone in Vietnam. Thousands of users from the country are searching for a way to download Smartpk on iOS. Since dozens of users are keen to download and play Smartpk on iOS, we have covered the article to get Smartpk on iPhone.

As iPhone users, many users tried to search for the Smartpk app on the App Store. Sadly, the app is not available on the App Store. So, it would be better to find another way to install Smartpk on iOS. Smartpk app included four games: Sword Of The Origin, Vo Lam Truyen Ky 1 Mobile, Martial Arts Mobile, and Martial Arts Max. Let’s find out the process to download and install Smartpk On iPhone.

How To Download Smartpk On iOS

  1. On your iOS device, go to (Settings), pick Wi-Fi, touch the circle button with the letter I to set up your Wi-Fi network, and select (Configure Proxy).
  2. Next, choose Automatic, then copy and paste one of the following links into the URL line, and finally, click the Save button: The URL to fill in must start with https  ( with an s ending in ), not  http .
  3. To apply the configuration you just specified, switch Wi-Fi off and on again on your device and pick the Wi-Fi network set up above again.
  4. After configuring the Wi-Fi proxy, open Safari (other browsers will fail) and go to the following website:
  5. Your Wi-Fi is not proxied. Then will appear like below. Check Step 1 again, especially the URL.
  6. After checking (and correcting if input incorrectly), toggle Wi-Fi OFF and ON again as advised in Step 1, return to the Safari browser tab that opens the page, and push the spinning arrow button to check results.
  7. Your Wi-Fi is proxied. Then will appear like below. Download the mitmproxy configuration by clicking the iOS apple next to Get mitmproxy-ca-cert.pem. Avoid pressing the button next to the macOS apple.
  8. Safari will prompt to download mitmproxy settings. Click Allow.
  9. Go to Settings, General, Profile (typically under VPN), pick mitmproxy, and click Install.
  10. iOS will prompt you for a passcode or fingerprint authentication and confirm it twice before installing the mitmproxy configuration. Press the Install button. Then click Done.
  11. Go to Settings, General, About, scroll down to the bottom, and then Certificate Trust Settings (Certificate Trust Settings).
  12. In the game, the SmartPK button appears in the lower left corner.
  13.  (Disable proxy settings for Wi-Fi networks) requires turning off the game.
  14. Here you can follow more instruction.

Did you enjoy the guide? Did it help to download and play Smartpk on your iOS device? Share your feedback in the comment box.

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By Gustavo
He is a senior writer at Gustavo has good knowledge about the online world (especially digital marketing) and loves to share ideas with visitors. He has a good experience of writing about Apple since he used every Apple products like iPhone, Apple TV, Apple Watch, Mac, etc.
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