How To Bulk Delete Instagram Comments on iOS device

Devendra Chande

Instagram has come up with some new features which are mainly focused to stop cyber bullying on the application. Now you can control who can tag you or mention you in comments, captions or stories or you can delete bulk comments with the new features of Instagram.

When we post a photo or video on Instagram, we always want to see some good comments from our friends, families or even fans. At the same time, we don’t want to see even a single spam or hate comment on our posts. Earlier you need to delete all those fake comments individually but now you can delete all the spam comments in bulk in one go.

Delete Bulk Instagram Comments: Step by Step

Step 1: Open the your post on which you want to delete multiple comments

Step 2: Click on the three dots on the top right corner.

Step 3: Click on manage Comments

Step 4: Select all the comments you want to delete by tapping on the tick mark beside every comment.

Step 5: After selecting the comments, Press the Delete button located at bottom left.

Although, this option is for deleting bulk comments but you can delete only 25 comments in one go. So suppose if you need to delete 50 comments, you need to follow the full procedure twice.

Some Other Features

In addition to the feature of deleting comments in bulk, there are some other features also which Instagram has launched to prevent online bullying and spam comments. Lets see what those are.

  • Comments and Accounts: Block or Restrict

You can now also block or restrict certain comments on instagram. For doing that on an iOS device, select the comment on the post you want to block or restrict and go to Manage Comments by clicking on three dots. Click on More Options to block or restrict accounts in bulk.

  • Choose Who Can Tag and Mention

Another great feature to fight against internet bullying is the option to control who can tag or mention you on Instagram. Instagram gives three options to choose between: –  Everyone, Only People You Follow and No One. You can now decide which is good for you according to your audience. This feature allows you to choose if everyone can tag and mention you or the people you follow or no one can tag and mention you.

Bottom Line

Hope all these new features of Instagram helps you to be safe from cyber bullying. If you are seeing these features yet on your iOS device, just make sure you are using the latest version of Instagram by checking it from the Apple App store. Enjoy the features and follow us for more blogs related to Apple devices and operating systems.

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Devendra is a full-time writer at ConsideringaApple and he is fond of new things in the tech world. He loves to read novels and write poems. This adventure-seeking guy is a hodophile who has an aim to explore all the beautiful mountains, oceans, cultures, traditions, and foods this world has to offer. Since the release of the first iPhone, he believes in Jobs' vision and praises every Apple product.
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