iOS 15 Instagram Story No Sound Issue: How To Fix It


Instagram is fun, and I cannot live without it. Everything was good until the new iOS 15 dropped. Instagram story sound not working after installing iOS 15 on iPhone. Within a day of installing iOS 15, many users complained about iOS 15 Instagram no sound issue on Twitter and other social media handles. 

It isn’t delightful to see Instagram stories without sound on iOS 15. Many users claim that you can get Instagram story sound back if you go back to the previous story and go to the main story. It will play sound. Sadly, this is not the permanent solution to fix Instagram no sound issue on iOS 15. Let’s try to fix this issue without further ado.

How To Fix Instagram Stores No Sound iOS 15 Problem On iPhone

1.      Turn Off Silent Mode

According to some users, when you turn on Silent Mode on iOS 15, it also mutes sounds on Instagram. Therefore, make sure that silent mode is not activated on your iPhone. If this option is enabled, then turn it off and use the app. The app will work fine. 

2.      Turn OFF Focus Mode

iOS 15 also has new Focus Mode to silent every unwanted sound on your iPhone. It can also mute Instagram story sound on your iPhone. Hence, if you are using iPhone while Focus Mode is tuned ON, turn it off and try to play the Instagram story sound. 

3.      Turn Up Volume

If your device’s media volume is set at low, then the Instagram story will not play sound. Hence, when you are on any Instagram story, try to use Volume up button to increase the volume. 

4.      Update The App or OS

Even after checking the above basic methods, the Instagram sound is still not working on your iOS 15; may be something wrong with the current app update or iOS update. You need to check if the new app update is available or any new iOS update is available. If the update is there, then update it and fix the issue. 

5.      Restart iPhone

Most of the time, restarting the device can fix the minor and major problems of the device. If nothing works for you, you can also try to reboot or restart your device to fix the Instagram no sound issue. 

Even Apple is aware of this issue and working to fix this issue. If the issue is still not fixed, keep your eyes on the new update or iOS update. We can expect a new update soon from Instagram and Apple to fix this problem. 

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By Govind
Being in love with the tech world, Govind joined the technology world in 2015 and started writing about tech stuff (mobile, PC, games, other gadgets). He loves playing games, travelling, photography and sharing the latest news & updates about every Apple products (iPhone, iPad, Mac, etc.).
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